Want to boost your immune system naturally, Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is key. Vitamin C stimulates your immune system, specifically white blood cells (WBCs). Vitamin C also aides in the absorption of iron which is also very important to carry oxygen and fight off infection. I’m only focusing on Vitamin C in the context of infections. Needless, to say, Vitamin C has many other health benefits.
How much should I take? If you are deficient, you need more!
Viral infections, stress, smoking, fever, cause a rapid decline in blood levels of Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. That is why it is important to use more and use it daily!
Dr. Stuart Nunnally, renown authority, recommends 3000-10000 mg/day or 3-10 g/day.
The International Journal of Vitamin Nutritional Research found 200 mg of vitamin C per day resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized patients with pneumonia. That is a relatively small amount, which suggests deficiencies needs to be prevented.
With regards to cardiovascular disease and infection, 100 mg/day of ascorbic acid is found to be sufficient to decrease LDL damage, and saturate WBCs in healthy individuals.
Can I take too much?
Doses over 500 mg/d may cause diarrhea or gastric distress. A study reported Vitamin C may increase the risk of cataracts were made at longterm at dose of 500mg/d.
In summary, little scientific evidence shows large doses of vitamin C are toxic or exert serious adverse health effects. It’s okay to take up to 10,000 mg/day or 10 grams/day.
The Mayo Clinic reports here medications that might be affected by Vitamin C, so check the list if you are on medications.