10+ Commandments to stay safe while we reopen

  1. Zinc

You’ve heard of zinc lozenges to help fight colds? Zinc lowers the risk of symptoms from respiratory infections up to 54%. Zinc is an essential mineral found in meats and dairy. Zinc attaches to the proteins on viruses and stops them from replicating. It also helps produce white blood cells, one of your most important defenses against infections. A good choice includes zinc salts, like zinc gluconate, citrate, or picolinate 30-50 mg/day.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D calms an overactive immune system, often called the cytokine storm present in some patients with COVID-19. Vitamin D also lowers the risk for the flu. Eggs and salmon are rich sources of Vitamin D. You can’t beat the sun for getting in more Vitamin D. Consider 2000-5000 IU/day and check a blood test to make sure you have enough; a healthy range is 60-80 ng/ml.

  1. Selenium

Deficiencies in selenium may cause a weakened immune system and underactive thyroid. A study in China of COVID-19 patients living in Keshan, a county with one of the lowest intakes of selenium in the world, had a death rate almost 5x higher than the average of all other provinces reported. Selenium deficiencies also promote viral mutations that can result in more dangerous strains. So enjoy your Brazilian nuts, they are loaded with selenium and consider a supplement of at least 50 to 100 mcg/day.

  1. Vitamin C

An overactive immune system is one of the major problems with COVID-19. Vitamin C is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. A randomized double-blind study of elderly patients with hospitalized bronchitis or bronchopneumonia utilized vitamin C supplementation. With as little as 200 mg of Vitamin C daily, there was an 80% decrease in deaths among the severely ill, compared to placebo. That is significant! Oranges, broccoli and sweet peppers are great sources of Vitamin C. Your body does not store Vitamin C, so it is important to consume foods high in Vitamin C and take a Vitamin C supplement daily. Consider 5000 -10000 mg/d, especially if you are deficient or ill.

  1. Go Outside

“Fresh air is a natural disinfectant…and can kill the flu virus and other harmful germs,” says Dr. Richard Hobday author of the Healing Sun. Sunlight restores healthy Vitamin D levels. That is why the flu is more of a problem during the winter, than in the summer, lower Vitamin D levels. Not only will you lower your risk for infection, you will boost your mood, try it!

  1. Wash Your Hands with Soap

Soap is the most effective way to kill germs. Viruses literally explode and can’t replicate. Disinfectants that contain alcohol, like gels and wipes, are not as effective as plain soap, and they are more expensive. Wash for at least 20 seconds and get in the crevices.

  1. Exercise

Exercise lowers inflammation in the body. Exercise also lowers your risk for the diseases that put you at great risk for consequences related to COVID-19, such as hypertension and diabetes. It also helps with depression, so get moving!

  1. Sleep

Sleep boosts immune cells, called protective cytokines, in addition to stimulating antibody production. Both are powerful tools to help fight off infection. Sleep also lowers your risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours a night.

  1. Meet a Friend for a Healthy Lunch

What is one of the most effective ways to lower anxiety and depression? … Spending time with friends or family. A 2018 study found that “people with strong social networks were less likely to get sick when exposed to a virus.” Why not support your community and have lunch out? Have a great salad. Try to avoid carbs. Sugars block the body’s first immune responders, neutrophils, for up to 5 hours!

  1. Consider Viral Prevention Therapy

Age and diseases make us more susceptible to infections. There are safe effective and affordable medications that have been used to help treat and prevent COVID-19. The NIH reported in 2005 on chloroquine and its use with SARS Coronavirus. “The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages.” More study is always helpful, but results are promising. Ask your doctors if this is appropriate for you or a loved one.

What about Masks?

Current CDC guidelines report that N95 masks should be reserved, due to shortages, for healthcare workers and other medical first responders. Cloth masks may prevent the spread of COVID-19 from someone who is asymptomatic. Your mask may prevent spreading COVID-19 to someone, and their mask may prevent you from contracting COVID-19 from them.

You may be surprised, but there is little science to support the use of masks for the public outside the medical setting. “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” a recent published article from the New England Journal of Medicine. Unless you are exposed for “a few” minutes (some say >10 minutes or more) with direct face-to-face contact with someone who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, you are at little risk of contracting COVID-19. It is important to know what is myth and what is fact.

“One might argue that fear and anxiety are better countered with data and education than with a marginally beneficial mask,” reported Michael Klompas, MD, MPH and his co-authors of the NEJM article.

Bottom Line

We are exposed to viruses and bacteria every day of our lives. The goal is not to rid ourselves of these threats, but to foster a healthy immune response to handle them naturally.



Science, M., et al. “Zinc for the Treatment of the Common Cold: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 184, no. 10, 2012, doi:10.1503/cmaj.111990.

Breslin, Sage, et al. “5 Ways Healthy Relationships Boost The Immune System.” Organic Facts. N.p., 23 May 2020. Web.

Grant, W. B., H. Lahore, and S. L. McDonnell. “Evidence That Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths.” Nutrients. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2020. Web.

Mercola, J. “Essential Nutrition to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus.” Mercola.com. N.p., 9 Mar. 2020. Web.

Zhang, J., E. W. Taylor, K. Bennett, R. Saad, and M. P. Rayman. “Association between Regional Selenium Status and Reported Outcome of COVID-19 Cases in China.” OUP Academic. Oxford University Press, 28 Apr. 2020. Web.

McCarty, M. F., and J. J. DiNicolantonio. “Nutraceuticals Have Potential for Boosting the Type 1 Interferon Response to RNA Viruses including Influenza and Coronavirus.” Redirecting. N.p., Feb. 2020. Web.

Hobday, Richard A, and John W Cason. “The Open-air Treatment of Pandemic Influenza.” American Journal of Public Health. American Public Health Association, Oct. 2009. Web.

Thordarson, Pall. “The Science of Soap – Here’s How It Kills the Coronavirus | Pall Thordarson.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 12 Mar. 2020. Web.

Olson, E. J. “Can Lack of Sleep Make You Sick?” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 28 Nov. 2018. Web.

Breslin, Sage. “5 Ways Healthy Relationships Boost The Immune System.” Organic Facts. N.p., 23 May 2020. Web. 2020.

Irwin, Michael R., and Andrew H. Miller. “Depressive Disorders and Immunity: 20 Years of Progress and Discovery.” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 21.4 (2007): 374-83. Print.

Sanchez, Albert, J. L. Reeser, H. S. Lau, P. Y. Yahiku, R. E. Willard, P. J. Mcmillan, S. Y. Cho, A. R. Magie, and U. D. Register. “Role of Sugars in Human Neutrophilic Phagocytosis.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 26.11 (1973): 1180-184. Print.

Vincent, Martin J., Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R. Erickson, Pierre E. Rollin, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Nabil G. Seidah, and Stuart T. Nichol. “Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread.” Virology Journal 2.1 (2005): 69. Print.

Lover, Andrew A. “Quantifying Treatment Effects of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin for COVID-19: A Secondary Analysis of an Open Label Non-randomized Clinical Trial (Gautret Et Al, 2020).” (2020): n. pag. Print.

“Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 03 Apr. 2020.

Klompas, Michael, Charles A. Morris, Julia Sinclair, Madelyn Pearson, and Erica S. Shenoy. “Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era.” New England Journal of Medicine 382.21 (2020).

An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.

Just like the common cold, the COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. Current research has learned, COVID19 is thought to be more infectious in the early stages of the disease compared to other coronaviruses, such as SARS or MERS. What if we could step in early, instead of waiting for serious lung diseases to occur, wouldn’t that be smart?

COVID-19 enters your body through your mouth, nose or eyes directly from the airborne droplets or from transfer of the virus from your hands to your face,” states the Cleveland Clinic. Don’t forget surfaces that can be colonized with viruses. Washing hands with soap to prevent transmission from hands to your mouth, nose or eyes is critical to prevent transmission. Remember, soap is best!

Cleveland Clinic states, “The virus travels to the back of your nasal passages and mucous membrane in the back of your throat. It attaches to cells there, begins to multiply and moves into lung tissue.”

Coronaviruses can live 15 days in the nasal passages before it travels to the lungs. Why is this important to know? If we could stop the virus in the nasal passage, before it travels to the lungs, we could help prevent disease. Remember what your grandmother would say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?”

We know ozone therapy stops viruses dead in their tracks. If you don’t know this, go here or here! Need outside confirmation, go here.

Authorities have identified measures we can take to help prevent spread of the infection. However, they have not recommended any treatments for prevention of COVID19. If you have been with us for a while, you know we were supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine for prevention early on. For more on this go here. However, pharmacists have limited the availability of hydroxychloroquine, so we turned to another highly effective therapy to help prevent infections, ozone therapy. We initially offered ozone to those 75 or older for free and a discounted rate for all others.

However, due to the severity of the COVID19 Pandemic, we are now offering ozone therapy nasally to help prevent viral diseases to all ages. This service is Free to our patients, new and established.

What is the process?

Call the office to schedule a telephone appointment (254) 773-4900 with Dr. Cole. You will have a brief interview at that time, and if Dr. Cole believes ozone is indicated, you will drive to the office at the scheduled time and receive the treatment at your car. The treatment will be curbside. You don’t even need to come in the office.

Dr. Cole will administered the ozone via the nostrils. It is quick and painless. And just in case you are concerned, Dr. Cole tested negative for COVID19 and has been on prevention therapy ever since.

We have always been committed to your health, that’s is nothing new. We just want to do our part. Now its time to get back to work again! Call the office if you need more information.

I am…(and have been for a long time)

committed to your health,

Dr. Shelley



Roman Woelfel, Clemens Wendtner, et al., Clinical presentation and virological assessment of hospitalized cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in a travel-associated transmission cluster,

Vitamin C, during COVID19, why is it so important?

Truth #4 What can I do to stay well? Vitamin C. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is a water soluble compound and is easily absorbed. However, it is not stored in the body. That is why it is important to daily consume foods or use supplements rich in Vitamin C. What foods are rich in vitamin […]

We are offering Ozone Therapy Free to those 75 years young.

As of yesterday, we are no longer able to provide preventive medications for COVID19. The pharmacist are limiting prescriptions to only those who have confirmed positive COVID19. There are studies indicating the benefit of hydroxy chloroquine for the prevention and treatment of COVID19. More studies are always beneficial, but the safety and efficacy of this medication has a long track record with other medical conditions. The WHO organization even lists its precursor, chloroquine in the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medications.

Ozone therapy is highly effective at the treatment of viruses, bacteria and parasites. Ozone kills viruses by damaging the viral capsid (protein shell) and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact by peroxidation and damage to the infected cell. The weakened enzyme coatings on cells make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses and makes them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body.  These dead infected cells are then replaced with healthy cells.

Ozone also activates immune system. An increase in the production of interferon as wells as an increase in the output of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-2 occurs. The production of interleukin-2 and an entire cascade of subsequent immunological reactions is highly beneficial.

“The immune stimulating effect of ozone therapy combined with the fact that ozone and the lipid peroxides it produces directly kill viruses.” Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD, ABAAM

As of today, March 25th, we are offering Ozone Therapy to any individuals 75 or older for free. We believe it is our best defense against the coronovirus that we are facing now. For those younger than 75, we are offering Ozone therapy essentially at cost of $25. For more information, contact the office. You may need to leave a message even during office hours. Call us anytime.

We want to do our part and have the healthiest community possible. Stay safe.


J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 66–70.

Viebahn-Hänsler R. The use of ozone in medicine: Mechanisms of action. Munich. 2003. May 23-25, [cited in 2003]. Available from: http://www.oxidation-therapy.com/pdfs/MechanismofAction.pdf .

Shallenberger, F, Coronovirus, email correspondence to American Academy of Ozonotherapy. March 22, 2020.


2 Patients met in the parking lot and said…

“If you move away Dr. Cole and stop doing this, we will find you!”

So, what are they talking about? It’s Ozone. 

What have I heard from patients so far?

My knee is better!

My IBS bowel symptoms are gone!

My diabetes has improved.

My arthritis pain is gone!

My hip pain is gone.

My back pain is gone!

I’m losing weight!

I wake up every morning happy!

You made my day! We are helping people feel stronger and healthier. Ozone stimulates the production of energy. so your body can heal itself. Not only does Ozone work, it is very affordable!

For more on ozone, go here. or here!